Practical: Unix Programming Lab
Practical: Unix Programming Lab
1. Write a shell script to check
if the number entered at the
command line is prime or not.
2. Write a shell script to modify “cal” command to display calendars
of the specified months.
3. Write a shell script to modify “cal” command to
display calendars of the specified range of months.
4. Write a shell script to accept a login name. If not a valid
login name display
message “Entered login name is invalid”.
5. Write a shell script to display date in the mm/dd/yy format.
Write a
shell script to display
on the screen sorted
output of “who” command
along with the total number of users.
7. Write a shell script to display the multiplication table of
any number.
Write a
shell script to compare two files and if found equal asks the user to delete
the duplicate file.
9. Write a shell script to find the sum of digits of a given number.
10. Write a shell script to merge the contents of three files, sort the contents and then display them page by page.
Write a shell script
to find the LCD (least common
divisor) of two numbers.
Write a shell script
to perform the tasks of basic calculator.
Write a shell script
to find the power of a given number.
14. Write a shell script to find the greatest number among the three
Write a shell script
to find the factorial of a given
16. Write a shell script to check whether
the number is Armstrong or not.
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